Information for History Majors

NHD Internship
Every fall semester, the history department partners with NHD teachers to offer the NHD internship to history majors, particularly in the secondary education program. This is a 45-hour (one credit) internship. It is designed to support teachers and their 6-12 students in creating NHD projects. NHD Interns would gain classroom experience as they collaborate with teachers and work one-on-one or in teams.
NHD Interns would be responsible for helping students develop research skills, find relevant primary and secondary sources, structure their process papers, formulate a thesis, and provide thoughtful feedback on their progress. The intern would work closely with NHD teachers and follow their instructions and guidelines.
Assignments for this internship would include writing a weekly log about your work, reading a minimum of two articles, and writing a 10-page reflection paper.
Complete the NHD intern survey
Placement is not guaranteed and is based on the interest of area teachers. Priority will be given to those who register first.
Judging Opportunities
History and secondary education majors who meet the 3.00 minimum GPA and have 15 credits of history can register to judge local high school competitions as well as the regional contest.