MS Full-Time Degree Plan: History

This is a sample schedule. Your actual schedule may vary.

Meet with your advisor and review the class schedule before confirming your schedule each semester.

About the degree plan

Nine credit hours is considered a full load of courses for graduate students. Full-time students generally complete the Master of Arts in History in two years.

The following degree plan is for a full-time student taking the thesis option.

The following degree plan, last reviewed 01/01/2025, is based on the 2024-25 graduate catalog.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
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Readings seminar 3
HST 600-level elective 3
Total hours 9

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Research seminar 3
Primary source seminar 3
HST 600-level elective 3
Total hours 9

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
Readings seminar 3
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HST 600-level elective 3
Total hours 9

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
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Comprehensive examination
Thesis oral defense
Total hours 1-6